Saturday 11 April 2009

Saturday 11th April

Early morning today, was up for Gangway photos as people came off the ship into Madiera. Was very warm but I still had to wear a bloody long sleeve shirt! Then after this had an hours rest before going into Madiera with Craig, Fliss and Claire. When we got into Madiera we went to a restaurant and had Steak on a Stone which was lovely. Then we wandered down the seafront and i brought a fridge magnet, and we had an ice-cream. After this we headed into town and wandered around for a while taking photos and just generally looking around. Eventually we got pretty bored and tired so decided to head back to the bus. However Fliss thought it would be a good idea to walk to the ship and not get the bus. "Don't worry it's only a 5 minute walk". This 5 minutes turned into about 20 minutes of walking in the baking sun and on crap slabs which was fun.

Anyway just got back to the cabin and having a couple of hours free time before I have to go up to the Gallery to work, I'm on IPM tomorrow which means I can't go into Gran Canaria and I'm sure will be a lot of fun so I'll probably be online for a while tomorrow.


  1. uummmm, steak looks good!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Get out of the bar and keep us updated!!! Hope you are well.
    Love Folks back home

  3. Thats not a steak it's half a bullock
    The Holmes in the rain
