Thursday 9 April 2009

Thursday 9th April

Yesterday was quite a busy day, as we had turnover in Southampton. We also had 2 togs leave us and 1 join, who became my new cabin share for a day, nice guy. Got up at 7.30 for Gallery duty until 10. Then at 11.30 it was down to the terminal to do Embarkation photos which is a long and boring process (4 hours stood in front of a black backdrop being told by people that they don't want photos because they're tired). Then at 4 o'clock we had drills which is also pretty boring. (haha i sound like a right moan) then gallery duty again from 6-11. This was the first night we've finished before 12 this past week so we all (apart from 2) went to the Officers Bar until about half 1 when i went to bed and fell straight asleep.

Today I woke up at 11.30 and went basically straight down to the gallery as I had Gallery work until 4 when I had to nip to do a photo of a kids party with Noddy. After this I had an hour off until half 5 when we had to go do Party photos in 2 sittings, I finished at 8.45 came downstairs and moved into my new cabin with Craig as Martyn (new tog) has a partner who's moving into his cabin with him. Now I'm just sat in the cabin waiting for the others to get ready/finish work so we can go to the Officers Bar again.

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