Wednesday 15 April 2009

Wednesday 15th April

Good afternoon, well today I've got half the day off which is cool. Worked 9-12 today and then working 6-11 tonight, all gallery work though but hey as long as it's busy it's ok.

Tomorrow we're in Vigo and I'm gonna go do a bit more shopping as I've got some money left from Tenerife, and then back to Southampton on Friday. It's a pretty easy week now from today onwards, all the crazy bits have gone. But Fliss is now in a bad mood 24/7 for some reason which is fun for all of us.

Met some more people over the past couple of nights from going out and they're all pretty cool.

Also, I'm not racist, but my mind has changed about the majority of foreign people. I've realised that not all of them are dick heads, there are a lot of nice guys on this ship, who are willing to help you out if you need it. For example, the night before last I was doing cabin rounds with a load of flyers, and a cleaner came up to me and said he'll do it as he's got to go to all the cabins anyway. And last night I was packing away a studio, and one offered to help even though I had never seen him before.

Anyway I'm off for an afternoon kip and to eat. I'll probably be posting more now as we're less busy.

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